Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Leg presses

Select a comfortable weight and begin in a squat like position, push off with your feet until reaching full extension. Maintane the position for a few seconds and slowly lower yourself back to starting position. 

This helps with lower body strength which is important while taking a shot because you have to puch off with your legs and maintane your balance. Also with the quick movements involved in the lower legs

Superman exercise

While down on all fours lift left arm and right leg to help create back extensions on your lumbar or low back. Alternate arm and leg making sure they are all opposite. This helps strenghten the low back which is important while playing hockey. Helps with trunk extension which creates a better posture especially with the amount of flexion that is required while playing hockey. 

Passing Drill

Facing a wall, with stick in hand in the prepertory stance, pass the ball off a wall. When the ball bounced back, regain control and be able to pass the ball again off of the wall. Do this while maintaning very little eye movement towards the ball, make sure to keep your head up while perfroming this.

 This helps with hand eye cordination as well as awareness of the ball around you.